All Wishes on the Wall of Wishes in Destiny 2’s The Last Wish Raid

April 2023 · 3 minute read

To complete Destiny 2 the Last Wish Raid you will have to unlock the Wall of Wishes door. A door that requires Wishes shown in different patterns. I am sharing 15 Wishes patterns in this guide to help you to complete Destiny 2 Last Wish Raid. After successfully entering a wish pattern the players will be teleported to a new encounter. Completing the same will unlock a new reward and emblems. There are new effects and more hidden rewards. So let’s begin with All Wishes on the Wall of Wishes Guide.

How to unlock or find Wall of Wishes?

Wall of Wishes is located at the very start of the Last Wish Raid. You will have to complete the raid before using the Wall of Wishes teleportation device to unlock a new encounter. You will have to pick the right wish to access the hidden reward. I am going to help you in all kinds of patterns you can use to unlock encounters.

Enter the room in the mountain and then jump to the tunnel on the left. You will have to find the first boss by running through the cavern and finding another entrance. Take left from the entrance and walk to the dead-end. Jump towards the water and you will land on the ledge on your right. Jump another ledge and then crouch walk through a small tunnel. Look for another left on the left, continue moving up, and then search for a final ledge on the right. After crossing the gap, climb up to the final tunnel to locate the Wall of Wishes.

All Wishes Patterns to unlock Wall of Wishes Door

Below are all sixteen wishes to access all Wall of Wishes encounter. Check the formation and use them to unlock new encounters.

Wish 1 – Use the pattern below to unlock Ethereal Key

Wall of Wishes Pattern 1

Wish 2 – 2nd Chest appears along the path between Morgeth, Spirekeeper fight and the Vault. The chest requires Glittering Key.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 2

Wish 3 – Unlock a new Emblem.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 3

Wish 4 – Wipe your Fireteam and re-spawn at the start of Shuro Chi Fight in raid.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 4

Wish 5 – Wipe your Fireteam and re-spawn at the start of Morgeth, Spirekeeper fight.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 5

Wish 6 – Wipe your Fireteam and re-spawn at the start of Vault Encounter in the raid.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 6

Wish 7 – Wipe your Fireteam and re-spawn at the start of Riven of Thousand Voices.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 7

Wish 8 – Play a tune of Wall of Wishes.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 8

Wish 9 – Unlock dialogue from Failsafe that continues for the entire raid.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 9

Wish 10 – Unlock explosive effect to an head-shot kill.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 10

Wish 11 – Unlock effect around players head.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 11

Wish 12 – Active Extinguish, this causes the entire Fireteam to return to Orbit. The raid reset if any of the teammates dies.

Wall of Wishes Pattern 11

There are few more wishes pattern pending, this guide will be updated soon. Until then you can refer to all above patters and unlock cool reward in Destiny 2 the Last Raid.
