Best Shindo Life Eye ID Codes (2022)

February 2023 · 3 minute read
Shindo Life Eye Codes ID

There are a lot of eyes you can equip and customize your character in Shindo Life. So if you are looking to make your character stand out from the crowd then these eyes are the perfect way to get them. So today we will share some of the best Eye Codes & ID you can use in Shindo Life.

Best Shindo Life Eye ID Codes (2022)

Shindo Life Eye ID Codes

Here are the best Shindo Life Eye Codes & ID to use now:

How to Use and Add Eye Codes & ID in SL?

Here’s how to add, equip, and use Shindo Life Eye Codes & ID :

  • Once you are in the game, press the M button.
  • Click on Customs in the menu.
  • Find the “+” icon near the [Eye Color] option.
  • Copy and paste the above codes in the two Eye Code section.
  • You can either use the same Eye code for both eyes or a separate design for each.
  • To equip the design you have to pay 3K RELL Coins.
  • Unlike Mask Codes you can’t see the eye design before buying it,
  • As you cannot view the design within this menu. So make sure to go to this link.
  • Copy-paste the name of the Eyes from above to see it before buying them.
  • If you are happy with the design, pay the RELL Coins, and use the Eye.
  • That’s everything you need to know about Shindo Life Eye Codes & ID. While you are here, check out our Shindo Life Tier list, and thelist of Private server codes as well.
