Lost Ark - How To Get Tragon Ship?

February 2023 · 2 minute read
lost ark get tragon ship

Lost Ark is filled with sailing adventures and along with that comes a variety of different ships. You can get and unlock different ships as you proceed in the game. While there are some ships you can obtain by crafting, there are some ships that require you to grind on quests. If you are looking for the Tragon ship, you can do the latter to unlock and get it. So, here’s our guide on how to get Tragon ship in Lost Ark.

How to Get Tragon Ship in Lost Ark?

Follow these steps to unlock and get Tragon ship in Lost Ark:

That’s all on how to get a Tragon ship in Lost Ark. If this guide helped you make sure to check our other guides on how to unlock Brahms ship, how to get Astray ship, and how to leave a shipwreckin Lost Ark right here on Gamer Tweak.
